Passion Profile: Sydnie Collins

A new Perfect Timing Podcast episode is released every Monday at 2 p.m. EST.


Fifteen-year-old Sydnie Collins (aka Sydnie Chandler Monet) believes it’s time for the youth of America to take the lead in becoming the change that needs to occur in our country.

A sophomore at St. Mary’s Ryken High School, Sydnie is the founder of Live Your Future Educated, Inc. (LYFE) non-profit organization and host of the podcast “Perfect Timing.” As an academic honor roll student, she has been the recipient of the Presidential Scholarship in Leadership and Presidential Scholarship in Fine Arts. Sydnie is known as a daughter, sister, and friend to many.

Tell us about your passion for giving back to the community at such a young age: 

I am a 15-year-old podcaster who is hosting an international broadcast called Perfect Timing. Like other teens, I understand Generation Z is more likely to use social media to communicate, share, and shop. Perfect Timing Podcast was established for the sole purpose of serving young adults by giving them a safe place where they can feel free to use their voices to promote, educate and bring awareness to what is important to them.

Youth empowerment comes in many forms and I want to use my platform to let my peers know that their voice matters and is heard. If they see me doing it, then my actions may inspire one more person to gain enough confi dence to start something that they are passionate about.

I once read that a man’s gift makes room for him — God has put a gift or talent in every person, one that the world can make room for. I want to be a part of God’s perfect timing story because we all have one. 

What motivated you to start Perfect Timing Podcast? What is the focus? 

During the pandemic, I started to feel lost. I did not know how or what to do with all this free time. So, in mid-May, my mother challenged my sister and I to start a YouTube channel to talk with friends about how they were feeling. In early June, I kicked off my podcast and it is one of the most passionate undertakings that I have ever done.

It is truly rewarding and has given me so much joy and hope for our future. Each of my episodes feature in-depth conversations about topics the youth are passionate about and occasionally guest star top experts from around the county. I want listeners to be inspired and learn how the youth are taking charge of their own dreams as they tell their stories, in their own words.

I recently featured Faith Blackstone, 17-year-old activist and artist behind the iconic portrait of George Floyd and James Jobson-Larkin, 15-year-old ballet dancer and musician, who shared his experiences and love for the arts. I invited Dr. Howard Haft, Executive Director at Maryland Primary Care Program, to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on teenagers.

Recently, I also had the honor of speaking with Mrs. Julie Kent, Artistic Director of The Washington Ballet on fi nding hope and perseverance through dance. My fellow teens and I are breaking barriers now and will continue to do so in the future. 

What has this experience of starting your own podcast been like? Talk about your struggles and successes: 

Since starting my podcast, I have met some amazing trailblazers and had the opportunity to build new partnerships. Hearing my guests speak about things they are passionate about has given me more than one reason to continue. If one person’s voice can inspire another person, then my work is not in vein.

As far as struggles, I would say with every new venture comes obstacles we do not plan for. Finding and securing sponsors to support what you are doing is a challenge when you are confined to your home and not able to network outside of it.

My reward is knowing I am using my talents to make a difference in bringing youth on my platform to discuss topics, dreams, and achievements that matter to them. Many say that they are proud of me, but my true reward comes from above. 

Advice to other girls looking to have their voice heard: 

If you believe in yourself others will believein you, too. Keep striving and believing thatyou can achieve all things. Your voice and dreams matter – do not let anyone takeaway your voice!

What do you envisionfor the future? 

My future is so bright that I can see my name among the stars! I am still learning and growing every day and I am planning to take advantage of opportunities aligned to my core values and what I believe in, such as being a motivational speaker. I also am seeking gift donations for baskets that I will be raffling off to help with the expenses from managing a podcast.

Where to Listen:

A new Perfect Timing Podcast episode is released every Monday at 2 p.m. EST.
In June and July of 2020, four of Perfect Timing’s episodes made the top 10 in ratings on Elite Conversation Life Talk Radio and Sydnie was honored as the #2 host for June, July and August. In August, Perfect Timing episode 11, “The Impact of a Mother’s Love and Support,” rated #1 on their platform. Additionally, Sydnie is the only teen among 30 podcasters with Elite Conversation Life Talk Radio. She currently has Perfect Timing merchandise available for sale on her podcast website including T-shirts, masks, and jewelry.