What Is Your Emotional Achilles’ Heel?


One of the things we love to do with our clients is get down and dirty with their emotional landscape. Well, duh right? Isn’t that what therapy is for? 

Yes, it is, but we love taking it even further by getting familiar with your darkest, deepest secrets. You guessed right – all those nooks and crannies where anxiety and depression can live. So, what does this mean for you? Well, it means that our therapists want you to get super clear and comfortable with all the things that make up your total wellness: the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

One of the things we love to figure out is your emotional Achilles’ heel. Physically, an Achilles heel is the tendon that connects your leg to your foot, and from which you derive your ability to move. If your Achilles heel is hurt or torn, it’s very hard to function as you used to without crippling pain and limited movement. An emotional Achilles’ heel functions the same way. And, it will literally knock you on your butt if you’re unaware it’s coming – they love the element of surprise! Those times when you have a strong, visceral reaction to an event that doesn’t make sense is usually a clue that an emotional Achilles’ heel is working behind-the-scenes. 

So, let’s find out how to know when this is happening. Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks, sometimes), where you feel like a Mack truck has run you over, and you don’t know whether you’re coming or going? Where you can’t stop crying or panicking? This is the red flag of all mothers: that life just got real and dirty. It’s your brain’s way of telling you to slow down, and figure this out before things get worse. Knowing what the heck just happened will make all the difference in being able to manage your emotions, and then eventually control them. 

Below are some of the most common emotional Achilles’ heels we see time and time again: 
• Fear of the unknown 
• Uncertainty 
• Feeling trapped 
• Being ignored 
• Feeling left out 

These are just a small sampling of the different emotions you may hate feeling and try to avoid. We have found through working with hundreds of women, that most individuals have anywhere from 5 to 10 on average. Our therapists always tell our clients the more information you have, the more power you have. Take a few minutes and gather your own personal list of your emotional Achilles’ heels so you are better prepared the next time your head spins around after an emotional event. 

If you need help, we are ready to do just that. Our women’s therapists are located in both Leonardtown and Dunkirk. We have online scheduling set up for easy and quick access, so jump on our website today! Visit EmpoweredConnections.net/ client-portal or check out some guides from HMHB. Remember, we got you! 

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DEBORAH DULEY is a licensed social worker in the state of Maryland and the owner of Empowered Connections with offices in Leonardtown and Lusby, Md. Empowered Connections has provided therapy to hundreds of women over the years and we love it! Based on the growing need of empowered support and years of research, we have developed an empowerment coaching program designed specifically for the high achieving, high functioning woman that is feeling overwhelmed, not good enough, and/or is juggling multiple roles. The woman who wants to increase their self-esteem, grow their resilience, get clear on who they are as humans and finally leave all the crap behind, that no longer serves them. Our program is designed to figure out WHERE that comes from, WHY and HOW to change it. No need to relive painful memories or experiences like we do in the traditional therapy room. Boom! So empowering! Our coaches are mental health professionals that have been specially trained with our EC curriculum to deliver this content to you in a way that gets results and we’re so excited to offer this program alongside our traditional therapy services!