Take Back Your Power


We hear these phrases often: Take Your Power Back, Own Your Worth. People often get confused by what these phrases mean. To be in your power is not to be forceful, manipulative, or aggressive. It’s quite the opposite; using your personal power for positive change is a very liberating and healthy thing. It empowers you, allows you to take control of your life, honor yourself, and to experience what it’s like to be powerful in a way that is good for you and those around you. It’s having a faith-based, rather than a fear-based, mindset. 

What is a faith-based mindset? It means that you are clear on your core values and understand your worthiness. You are excited to claim your power and joy, to share your gifts with others, and to own who you are unapologetically. 

What is a fear-based mindset? Fear often keeps us stuck and limits our full potential to have a fulfilling life. Many will struggle with perfectionism; this can lead to procrastination, fear of judgment of others, and jealousy by others’ successes. By operating from a fear-based mindset, we often experience the inability to stay focused on our personal and professional lives.

Think about people who are seen as successful, both in and out of the spotlight, who seem to glide easily from success to success. They are in their power, they’re centered in trust, and they listen to their inner wisdom. 

Everyone has experienced at least one moment of true empowerment in their lives, when they’ve felt like everything is working out, and they’ve felt incredible confidence and ease. Think about a time when you experienced that. 

How do you cultivate that feeling and keep it going forward in your life? A more important question is: how do you “know” how to step into your power when it really matters most?

Here are a few places to start: Daily affirmations and personal mantras are powerful tools to use, especially when said while you’re moving your body. There is something about incorporating physical movement with your affirmations that helps your body to believe them.

Here are some examples of daily affirmations and personal mantras:

• “I focus on what I love, and I draw it in to me.”

• “My thoughts are loving and positive.”

• “I radiate inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.”

Meditate, go outside, get grounded and centered. If you spend just 10 minutes every day sitting with yourself and quieting your mind, you will begin to discover a place of inner peace, trust, and knowing. Meditation can be as simple as going outside and observing the abundance of nature. Notice it. Savor it. Feel connected and recharged.

Praise yourself. This can be tough for a lot of people. It’s important to reduce the amount of energy devoted to negative self-talk and self-criticism. Stop looking to others for confirmation, validation, and self-worth. Start by taking a moment each day to say something positive to yourself. Self-love can lower self-criticism and increase self-confidence. There is no faster way to feeling alive and powerful than to shower love upon yourself. Just because of yourself. Now that is stepping into your power.

Cultivate the art of listening to your inner wisdom, and trust that all is well. Eventually you will know your power and own your worth. And when that happens, there will be no stopping you!

For more information, visit KathleenStarkCoaching.com.

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Kathleen Stark is a licensed social worker in the state of Maryland. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from University of Maryland, University College, and is a Master of Social Work from Salisbury University, Maryland. Kathleen combines her years as a Social Worker and a psychotherapist with her experience as a cognitive behavioral therapist. She teaches concrete skills to assist women to own their value and create a positive outcome in their personal and professional lives. Kathleen is the founder and owner of Kathleen Stark, LLC and creator of the Transformation Life and Business online coaching program. Kathleen has 10 years of experience working with women in many capacities: trauma healing specialist, empowerment coaching and cognitive behavioral therapist. As a therapist and life coach, she is passionate about connecting with women and guiding them through their challenges. Kathleen integrates her knowledge of women’s issues and her life experiences to guide them in increasing their overall view of self, to decrease struggles with imposter syndrome and gain a full loving relationship with self.