How to Repair Severely Damaged Skin


Before I get to microneedling and just how it works to repair even severe acne scars, I want to thank all of my readers and recent supporters! The past couple months, as my article in honor of Mental Health Awareness month circulated, proved to be a high anxiety period for me.

I knew it would but I went with my instinct and stayed true to myself when I decided to share my struggles with depression and anxiety. My openness and compassion have never steered me wrong in life and this time was no exception. These traits allow me to thrive in the many roles I play: doctor, patient, caregiver, mother, wife and friend.

This authenticity has not only helped to bring out others’ true emotions and fears on the topic but also reached patients, old and new, on a deeper level. I’m no better or different than the next person with anxiety and/or depression. However, I am very fortunate that I sought out proper treatment; two wonderful providers in my past took the time and effort to help, educate and treat me. My life-long promise is to continue with the same integrity and commitment that was practiced on me.

The moment we can accept that “Mental Illness” is not a dirty word we can start to help ourselves and others. My recent discovery is that: Daily we WILL be faced with challenges and hurdles which we have NO control over but what we do have control over is HOW we choose to deal with those circumstances. I have chosen to be true to myself and handle every one of those situations with a positive attitude. I hope you all can join me on that thought. When it rains on your way home, before you run inside, allow yourself to get wet. Enjoy nature’s watering system, be a kid again. A little bit of water never hurts!

Now back to Beauty! Recently, microneedling has been growing in popularity and for good reason.

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment to rejuvenate the skin. A device with fine needles creates tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin. Results can include improved texture and firmness, as well as a reduction in scars, pore size and stretch marks. Microneedling may also be combined with a topical treatment, like PRP (platelet rich plasma) or another vitamin-rich serum.

Microneedling can be uncomfortable but I do provide topical anesthetic for my patients to make the process more tolerable.

The best candidates for microneedling are those that have severe scaring from acne or those with large pores. Combined with a medical grade exfoliative peel a couple weeks prior to the microneedling and the results are impressive.

One should know that the results are not immediate; you can fully appreciate the results approximately 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure.

To schedule your consultation please visit, and check us out on FaceBook @YourTimeMedical.

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I. Monet Ouwinga, MD is a Brooklyn, New York native completing undergraduate at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York and first generation of Haitian decent. Dr. O (as she prefers to be called) completed her basic sciences, obtained her MD at the University of the Americas on the island of Nevis. Completing her clinical rotations in North Carolina and Illinois, Dr. O did her residency in Illinois at Loyola-Cook County Family Medicine and served as Chief resident at her last year. Along with participating in multiple international medical missions, to Haiti and Peru she completed a fellowship in Maternal Child Health at West Suburban Hospital in, Illinois. Dr. O, a born city girl, has dedicated her life to treating patients with the same care she would provide to family members and friends. She has recently become more active in the mental health community, especially after sharing her own diagnosis of Anxiety and Depression. She is passionate about helping others with various ailments from routine visits to complicated diagnosis, ages from new born to geriatrics, in office, online or in their home. Dr. O has made a home in Southern Maryland with her husband and son in 2014 and it has proven to be one of the best life decisions she has made. Together with Travis Roberts, CRNP at their practice OT Family Medicine in Calvert County, they take care of the young, old and everyone in between with dignity and respect.