Good Habits Make Great Budgets

A financial budget is a great habit. A spending pattern written down monthly, so we are prepared for upcoming events. As the year comes to an end, it is time to start focusing on our 2021 budget. Let us look at what we experienced in 2020 and plan for 2021.

The definition of habit is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. In other words, something we do repeatedly until it becomes part of us. It becomes so normal, so regular, it is almost involuntary.

People are creatures of habits. From friendships in our lives and the food we eat to our daily rhythms and our spending patterns. Some habits can obviously be unhealthy, but habits used in a positive way can help us establish great rhythms in our lives.

A financial budget is a great habit. A spending pattern written down monthly, so we are prepared for upcoming events. As the year comes to an end, it is time to start focusing on our 2021 budget. Let us look at what we experienced in 2020 and plan for 2021. 

First, get out your pen or pencil and make a list of special occasions – the events that happen every year, but we may forget to plan for, like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and even “Back to School.” These events happen in our lives annually, but they somehow sneak up on us every time. Not this year! I am going to help you plan for each special event in your life with a monthly budget.

It will start by making small adjustments, changing habits, and setting financial goals that include these annual “surprises.” I can show you how to make a zero-based monthly budget before the new year begins so you can see where your money is going and find out how much you can save each month. 

The thought of a budget does not need to be stressful. It is a good habit that alleviates financial surprises. Let me guide you into financial peace!

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@Carlisa Cares Financial Solutions

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Financial Coach Carlisa Kent helps individuals and businesses conquer their finances in a smart and sustainable way. A graduate of Trinity College, Washington D.C., and a mother of four, Carlisa successfully lived through her own financial crisis and now wants to help others do the same. After a devastating car accident in 2008, Carlisa was able to keep her family financially secure while going through litigations and financial stress. Due to self-discipline and education, Carlisa never missed a bill and was able to continue a happy life although her family had no income for two years. Looking back on it, Carlisa knows she was successful because she stopped and evaluated her future before the crisis hit – and you can, too. Find Carlisa on Facebook at Carlisa Cares Financial Solutions.