Secrets of the Pros: How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice?

cheese as a present set in a mousetrap

It is cold outside, and mice are looking to move in. What is more annoying than waking up and seeing your fruit basket pillaged by rodents? Mice have no respect for your home and how much you pay to keep it up.

Send them packing like the pros do. Mice survive off an omnivorous diet but tend to enjoy plundering pantries for fruits and grains. They will eat through bags of seeds if you have them as well. If you thought enticing them to a trap with cheese would work, think again. They would prefer your expensive chocolates instead. Better yet, mice take pleasure in hanging out in your garbage can.
So, how do exterminators get rid of mice anyway?

Exterminators do not show up in a ghostbusters suit and vaporize every mouse in and near your home. If they did, that would only be a temporary fix to the problem. A professional exterminator will survey your home searching out entry points. Entry points are how mice and rodents get into your home.

They start outside the home checking for holes and cracks. Mice chew through wood, so a hole on the outside of the home is an open invitation to infest. Exterminators also look for gaps near the windows inside the home.

They check your doors as well. Yes, a mouse can walk right through your front door… if there is a crack in it, of course. Exterminators can help seal off these points to ensure mice do not reenter the home after extermination.

The Secrets to Getting Rid of Mice

Professional mice exterminators do not turn your home into a war zone. You do not have to cancel parties because traps are everywhere. They use strategic means to lure and exterminate mice.

Exterminators place rodent traps in clever spots around the home. These hot spots include your attic, crawlspaces, and corners of your basement if you have one. Pros never place traps in food areas or common areas where you and your family hang out.

Mice like to travel close to their entry and escape roots. Expect to see baited traps in these areas as well as rodenticide. Rodenticide deployed on the exterior may be the preferred method of ridding your home of mice. Traps are effective solutions, but the correct use of rodenticides is best for complete extermination.

Follow up is important, too. Mice populate fast. The female gives birth up to six times a year. Each of her litters can average 4-6 pups or more, so one round of extermination may not solve your problem. Depending on the severity of the infestation, pros recommend extermination control once a month.

Often it helps to talk with an exterminator about professional means for protecting your home against rodents.

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