Seeking Purpose, Living Dreams – Now Move!


Picture this, beautiful Charleston, SC, October 1997. An 18 year old girl boarded a bus that would seemingly take her to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), where she would take an oath to become a US Navy Sailor. That singular move was one that would ultimately change the trajectory of her life. On the surface it appeared that she was joining the ranks of the military, like many Sailors and Marines before her. However, the training, development, and unparalleled experiences would help to broaden the aperture of life’s possibilities for this young African American girl, from the South.

For the greater portion of eight years, she would be away from everything that was familiar. The life lens that was once filtered to balance only black and white images became enhanced to capture more of life’s variety. The art of the possible took on new shapes, sizes, colors, and themes. Which, prompted subtle internal changes that led to external directional shifts. With each shift came a New Normal, New Familiarity, New Comfort, and ultimately Newly Found Purpose. Without warning, and without seeking permission, I (Shaniqua Cousins, Southern girl, Navy Vet) was moving in the direction of my predominant thoughts and life’s possibilities. This is the same movement I want for you!

During our first article encounter you were encouraged to “Be Bold Enough To Dream big, big dreams for your lives.” During our second article encounter you were encouraged to “Use practical visualization techniques as a way to stay connected to your hearts desires.” For this current article in the series Seeking Purpose and Living Dreams with Shaniqua Cousins, I would like to encourage you to Now Move!

See, while dreaming boldly and using power packed visualization techniques are key to living a life that aligns with one’s heart desires, they are not enough. Let us think of the two as the forerunners to the action required for receiving what awaits. When added to the action of “movement”, dreaming boldly and the use of visualization become participants in the manifestation of your desires. Simply put, movement is part of the requirement for receiving.

The law of destination tells us that destination is a personal choice. And that with a destination, we decide where we wish life’s journey will take us. Without a destination we stay where we are and will only experience things that come to where we are. With those thoughts in mind, think of the title of this series, “Seeking Purpose, Living Dreams.” The mere act of seeking means to “go in search or quest of.” Now I ask you, what are you willing to go after? What burning desires in your heart are you willing to extinguish by way of your actions? What moves will you courageously take to reach your destination?

I can’t express to you how grateful I am for the many, many life lessons I gained while serving this country. And although I may have trembled along the way, I never allowed fear to halt my forward movement. Now I know that not everyone is destined to board a bus and join the ranks of the military. However, what I do know is that we are called to experience growth. The ways in which each individual will experience this growth will never be known unless we dare to dream, imagine, and take action!

In closing, I would be remised if I didn’t mention that with every movement, every shift, and every escalation I experienced, I did so by faith. When I couldn’t articulate it to others, I kept moving by faith. When I couldn’t see my way clear, I kept moving by faith. When I lacked self-confidence, I kept moving by faith. And even when I didn’t feel worthy of the calling on my life, I kept moving by faith. I look back over the years and the thought that comes to my mind, “But for God, where would I be.” I thank God that He made ways out of nowhere for me. And that with each move I was willing to make He ensured the paths were cleared for me. Today is your day! Your destination is your personal choice! Now is the time to Move!

Join us for the First Annual “Women Seeking Purpose, Living Dreams” Conference in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina, Dec 2, 2017.

Visit for more details.

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Shaniqua Cousins is an entrepreneur, author, leader and inspirational speaker. She served in the United States Navy from 1997 - 2006 and continues to serve her country as a proud member of the Federal Civilian Service. As in her military career, Shaniqua has quickly become a respected leader, outstanding manager, and mentor. Shaniqua speaks on purposeful living, enjoying life, goal achievement and self-improvement and has self-published and authored Life, Experiences, Preparation, and Purpose; Co-Authored My Name is Mommy, Stories of Motherhood and the Lessons it Taught; Founded Shaniqua Cousins World Group LLC; created the website and Letters To My Daughter: Moments Captured, Bonds Sealed, Designer stationary gift box collection; launched an international Newsletter, Seek Purpose Live Dreams and produces and hosts the international Seek Purpose, Live Dreams TV web series, airing regularly on Social Media Platforms. Shaniqua has been interviewed by both television and radio personalities across the country, allowing her to share her message of purposeful living to thousands. Visit for more information.