Here She Is: Susan Cox a.k.a. Mrs. Moo


Mrs. Moo is a creative, classy cow engaging in conversation with the members of the community by sharing the wonders and importance of agriculture in our lives. Mrs. Moo’s passion lies in building relationships with people – connecting and instilling knowledge, importance and passion for the world of agriculture with every person she meets.

On the motivation and creation of Mrs. Moo

As I was closing the chapter of my career as a teacher, I knew I was not going to traditionally “retire”. I call it transitioning and I asked myself what did I want to do with this part of my life and how could everything I had learned play a part? So, I refocused my strengths, took stock of my natural gifts and my passions, and Mrs. Moo was created.

Using the character of Mrs. Moo, I have an opportunity to encourage others to explore their passions, while using the world of agriculture as the vehicle of understanding and knowledge. I encourage relationships between consumers and farmers in this wonderful world of agriculture, and hopefully make a difference in lives as we share the bountiful offerings of the agricultural world.

On balancing work, family and giving back

After 37 years in the education field, coming “home” to the farm means being involved with the many challenges of farm life. I don’t drive a tractor, but as Mrs. Moo, I offer a program of agriculture education on my farm. I go to schools to share lessons on agriculture, and I am a positive public speaker to all ages – opening minds to personal development and opportunities, all the while gaining a better understanding of the world of agriculture.

On being an active member of the community

In addition to being active on the farm with my family, I find that I use my personal time to be involved in my church, my local government, and in civic organizations. I am known as Mrs. Moo in the community and I find it delightful that she is gaining a positive reputation of bringing the farm to you in special meaningful ways.

On the importance of agriculture

Our food, fiber and fuel come from the world of agriculture and our farmers grow the crops for us. Agriculture is the largest industry in the State of Maryland. I believe it is through our awareness and knowledge that we can better understand the agricultural world and make informed decisions for our families and ourselves.

On your greatest accomplishments so far

The original concept of Mrs. Moo centered around children, but I have seen a growing interest with adults. I am thrilled to represent the world of agriculture – my heartfelt moments are connecting to people and listening to their stories. Mrs. Moo loves hugs and I have found that I do not need to be dressed as Mrs. Moo to be recognized these days. Susan Cox and Mrs. Moo are seen as the same. I have found a way to make a contribution to the world using the gifts and talents that are mine to use. Connections and relationships are happening!

What’s next?

Mrs. Moo is on the moove! She would love to get to know you. Mrs. Moo can be contacted by calling 410-610-0094, emailing [email protected], or writing:

Spider Hall Farm 3915 Hallowing Point Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678


In each issue WOMAN recognizes a woman doing exceptional work in the community, a leader who is paving the way to changing our attitudes and inspiring confidence in the future. To nominate a champion to be featured in an upcoming issue e-mail: [email protected]