Haunted Southern Maryland

Q&A with 3 Notch Paranormal Investigators, Jeannie Carrico, Founder and Lead Investigator, and Tracy LeClerc, Co-Lead Investigator.

Tell us about your background and passion for the super-natural, scientific theory, and mysteries of the unknown:

Jeannie: Like most people, I have suffered a lot of losses in my lifetime and have always been inquisitive as to what happens to people when they pass on. Their body stays here on the earthly plane and their soul goes where? Many cultures around the world believe in life after death, near death experiences, reincarnation, and other planes of existence. There are many names like heaven, hell, paradise, hades, and nirvana, to name a few. I have always been so interested in other cultures’ beliefs. I’ve also had many experiences in my lifetime of unexplained happenings like déjà vue, premonitions, orbs and spirits. We are looking for the answers to life’s most profound questions. Of course, I am first and foremost a mom of two amazing children and “G-Maw” to two beautiful grandchildren. I am a dedicated paralegal by day AND a passionate paranormal investigator by night. With more than 25 year of experience in the legal field, I apply my critical thinking, observation, and para-forensic research skills to every paranormal investigation.

Tracy: My passion for the paranormal and the mysteries of what happens when we die has always intrigued me for as long as I can remember. Where do we go when we pass on – is our soul reborn, are we reincarnated, or do we wander this world without anyone knowing? These are the questions I wonder on a daily basis. Now that I’m part of 3 Notch Paranormal Investigations with Jeannie and the team, I am in search of the answers to my questions. Why do we do it? We are trying to make contact and communicate with the unknown spirits who wander the Earth while trying not to disturb or disrespect any spirits.

What motivated you to start 3 Notch Paranormal Investigations (3NPI) and your new web docuseries, Haunted Southern Maryland?

Jeannie: Three years ago, my daughter Nicole Caneld, a published author, and I founded 3NPI with the goal of three like-minded women with different abilities and healthy skepticism. Prior to that I was involved on another team but was finally ready to branch out on my own. Nicole has been the team’s social media manager from the start. Last July we were contacted by Chay Deaver and Courtney Lough with Views/Sounds who saw compelling footage on our Facebook page and were interested in filming and documenting our adventures. We are all from Southern Maryland and appreciate the rich history and local legends, so it then grew into Haunted Southern Maryland.

Where can we watch your show and what can we expect?

Jeannie: The series debut for Haunted Southern Maryland is on YouTube September 10 at 8 p.m. I encourage you to tune in at
7:30 to meet the team members while we answer some questions from our followers. Our first episode is called “A Witches Stone.” You can expect an exciting investigation of the Moll Dyer Rock in Leonardtown, Maryland, and maybe a cameo of Moll Dyer herself!

What have been struggles and successes of being a small business owner in this unique industry?

Jeannie: I have been working hard the past three years to build
a stellar reputation as knowledgeable, skilled researchers and investigators. We have a lot of fun, but I run this as a business because it is. We’re here to help people who are experiencing unexplained phenomena, whether in their homes or businesses. Every investigation is confidential. In between private investigations we’ve been focusing on local legends, monuments and historical locations. St. Mary’s County has an abundance of all! I’d say our struggles are most likely similar to most new businesses, however our field of service is also very different. Securing new clients can be a challenge. Many people are shy or embarrassed to contact us about what they’re experiencing for fear of judgment or people just thinking they are crazy (if I had a nickel for all of the times I’ve heard that)! But after the investigation, and after we’ve reviewed all the evidence of audio, visual and scientific equipment we use, clients always say the same thing… “I knew I wasn’t crazy,” and they are always very grateful. That is the best part of our success… how grateful people are, and we can sleep rest assured knowing we’ve helped someone.

Do you have any advice to off er other women interested in entrepreneurship, forensics or the paranormal?

Jeannie: Believe in yourself, vision, and dreams. If you are passionate and knowledgeable about something just go for it! Also surround yourself with like-minded people who share your passion and are ready for an adventure.

What’s next?

Jeannie: We have wrapped Season 1 of Haunted Southern Maryland and are already working on Season 2. We still have many places and more folklore in Southern Maryland to delve into. There’s so much involved in an investigation. People think we just show up with a flashlight and recorder and film for an hour. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into each investigation. We find and research a location; interview owners and witnesses; prepare a game plan as to where and how to investigate the claims; and prepare the equipment. When the investigation is over, we must review each piece of equipment audio and visual frame by frame. Investigations can be eight to 10 hours long. If we have eight stationery cameras set up, amounts to 80 hours of footage to dissect and pour over. Then there is all the other equipment, K-2 meters, motion sensors, temperature gages, DVRs, Kinect SLS cameras, the Ovilus device, electromagnetic field detectors, laser grid pens, ghost boxes, Go-Pros, thermal imaging cameras, and this isn’t even ALL we use! After we’ve reviewed each piece of evidence, we prepare a written report and then sit down with the client to review what we found or didn’t find. We also offer services to clear a space of negative residual energy or remove and help a spirit to move on. We pride ourselves in our knowledge of the different types of spirits and hauntings.

For more information, visit 3NotchParanormalInvestigations.com.