5 Ways to Revamp Your Morning Beauty Routine


What’s your morning beauty routine for self-love? For me, I personally love getting up early every day, when it’s still dark. It makes me feel like I’m ahead of everyone else and I’m never rushed. It’s my sacred time to journal, read, and reflect gratitude. This fills my cup so I am able to go out into the world and feel I have something to pour out. 

One thing I know for sure: If you wake up aggravated and in a bad mood, you’ll probably look and feel that way all day long. And a stressed-out face is not an attractive face. So, it’s time to wake up before the rest of the world! Starting today, commit to including these new habits in your morning beauty routine, and you’ll look and feel better as a result. 

1. The Most Important Meal of the Day 
First up: breakfast. Put down those sugary cereals, maple syrup-drenched pancakes and chocolate covered donuts immediately. Our bodies need to be properly fueled to get our day started on the right foot, and protein is the number one fuel that we need. A breakfast that’s high in protein helps us to feel fuller throughout the morning. This is important because it keeps us from snacking on the wrong foods during the morning hours, and it keeps us from over-indulging at lunchtime. In other words, it keeps blood sugars intact. 

Think eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, or if you’re like me, I enjoy a Herbalife Formula 1 Healthy Meal shake – banana caramel is my favorite. I’m not a breakfast person, but I know I can get all my protein, healthy carbs, and essential vitamins in a creamy meal replacement smoothie. And the best part is I can bring my shake with me as I’m running out the door in the morning. 

2. Wake Up with a Cup of Tea 
Before I used Herbalife Nutrition, I was a morning coffee lover. But because of the calories added with creamer and artificial sweetener, it did not serve me. Green tea is the answer! Not only will it help wake you up, but its antioxidants help combat damage from free radicals. Remember, free radicals are a key culprit when it comes to aging, and antioxidants can contribute to healthy aging. Ask me for a sample of herbal concentrate tea (lemon, raspberry, peach, cinnamon or Chai-served hot or cold with zero sugar and only 5 calories). 

3. Speaking of Antioxidants 
What we put on our bodies is equally important to what we put in them. So, apply antioxidant-rich skin care products regularly. Also, vitamins C and E help to fend off free radical damage. Free radicals are found everywhere: in the pollution we’re exposed to every day and in many of the foods we consume. Even our bodies create free radicals. Applying antioxidant-rich skin care products every morning is a must. Think cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer. Sunscreen is also mandatory before leaving the house every morning, no matter what the weather. Herbalife Nutrition offers an incredible and affordable skin nutrition line. Check it out HerbaLifeSkin.com. 

4. H2O is the Way to Go 
You know about the importance of water and keeping the body hydrated, but did you know that drinking water in the morning is super important? For every hour that you’re capitalizing on your beauty sleep, it’s an hour that your body is not getting any water. When you wake up, your body needs to hydrate. When you’re dehydrated, you simply don’t feel your best. You can get headaches, feel sluggish and, well, look dehydrated on the outside – meaning pronounced fine lines and wrinkles. So, make it a morning habit to drink a tall glass of water after you wake up. This will help to hydrate your body and kick-start your metabolism to get your day started on the right foot. 

5. Exercise in the AM for a Restful PM 
If you can commit to getting in a little morning exercise, you’ll reap the benefits at bedtime. Set aside some time for a brisk morning walk, a swim before work, or even a few laps around your neighborhood on your bicycle. Exercising in the morning can help you get a better night’s sleep. And remember, it’s called beauty sleep for a reason. 

There’s nothing like that post-workout glow to give you a more youthful, radiant appearance to start off your day. So, make it a practice not to hit the snooze button. Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off. Sounds like torture, doesn’t it? But once you come to appreciate the benefit, you’ll be glad you did. 

Start every day off by following these morning beauty habits and you’ll start to love mornings and yourself. Taking care of your body and your skin is important. Remember, the healthiest body and the healthiest skin, are always the most beautiful. For more information, visit www.LuanneBarnas.com.

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Luanne Barnas is a Personal Wellness Coach with Herbalife International and the owner of LaPlata Nutrition which opened in December 2007. Luanne helps people achieve their health goals, whether weight loss or gain, or just attaining a better level of health. Over the past 7 years, Luanne has personally helped hundreds of clients achieve their nutritional goals and realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Luanne, a certified personal trainer, and avid exerciser, found herself still wanting to lose 10-15 pounds at age 40. At that time she felt like she ate the right foods and she exercised 7 days a week, but was not getting the results she was looking for. Her sister-in-law introduced her to a Cellular Nutrition program and taught Luanne about the power of plant based protein. Luanne began a customized nutrition program, and immediately felt the energy from the “new food” she was introducing to her body. Within a few months Luanne lost 30 pounds, 15 inches and went from a size 10 to a size 6! Within the past year, Luanne has taken her results to a new level. Incorporating Herbalife Sports Nutrition into her daily routine, Luanne has gotten herself in the best shape of her life at age 50. “I am so thrilled with my results, I want to share it with everyone,” says Luanne. Because of her incredible results and passion to help others, Luanne is also taking advantage of the Herbalife business opportunity. She loves being her own boss, and working with people in her LaPlata office, which serves close to 100 clients each day. In 2012, Luanne’s husband Ken became so inspired himself that he officially joined Luanne in the Herbalife business. Together they work as a team, teaching and training their organization to do as they were taught by the leaders in the company. Their son, Daniel, a recent Salisbury University graduate is joining his parents in the business and introducing this healthy lifestyle to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Luanne, Ken and their team of wellness coaches in the tri-county area (and beyond) are passionately helping their respective communities realize the benefits of a healthy, active, lifestyle. For more information visit, www.luannebarnas.com, www.laplatanutrition.com or call 301-643-7682.