Women Candidates Bring the Heat


Local Women Are Running for Office to Make a Difference, and You Can Too

I know its said a lot, but women have come a long way – in the workplace, on the field, within home dynamics, and outstandingly, throughout politics.

Our roles in government began in 1866 with Elizabeth Cady Stanton when she became the first woman to run for the U.S. House of Representatives, even though she was not eligible to vote. She received 24 votes out of nearly 12,000 votes cast.

Six years later, in 1872, Victoria Woodhull ran for president of United States on the Equal Rights Party ticket, a former political party that supported women’s suffrage, followed by Belva Lockwood in both 1884 and 1888.

In 1887, Susanna Salter was elected as the first woman mayor in Argonia, Kansas.

Laura Eisenhuth became the first woman to hold statewide executive office in 1892. And in 1894, Clara Cressingham, Carrie Holly, and Frances Klock were all elected as the first women on state legislatures.

In 1896, we welcomed our first woman state senator, Martha Hughes Cannon. Twenty years later, Jeannette Rankin became the first woman elected to Congress.

Finally, after all of this hard work, Suffragettes succeeded in winning the right for women to vote, and the 19th Amendment was added to the United States Constitution in 1920.

During the same year, the League of Women Voters was founded, an organization dedicated to helping women get involved in the election process. To this day, the League offers resources that explain how to run for local office.

In many of the cases above, women were initially only appointed to serve following their husband’s death. While most were elected for a second term in their own right, it shouldn’t take the death of a man to prove a woman’s worth. Like I said… women have come a long way, but we still have plenty of milestones to reach.

To date, a dozen states currently have no female representation in Congress, and two states have never even elected a woman to the House or Senate. Despite our presence as half of the U.S. and the world’s population, women still only make up one fifth of elected officials on Capitol Hill and less than 20 percent of Congress.

But day after day, we continue to shatter the glass with our high hopes and strong determination.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential candidate nominated by a major party. However, frustration over the win of controversial President Donald Trump has spurred a movement. Women – of all ages – are fed up with the current climate of our nation and the options available to us. Issues important to women are not being solved, and its come time to take the matters into our own hands.

A recent Politico article dubbed 2018, “Year of the Woman,” a throwback to 1992 when more women were elected to Congress then ever before. This election cycle is no different, as a recording-breaking number of women are running for all levels of government, from local to federal. And, they’re making an impact.

In this year’s primaries, the now widely-talked about 28-year old New York congressional candidate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, unseated a powerful 10-term congressman of her own party to have a chance at becoming the youngest person in Congress this November. To some, this news was shocking, but to others, it was a long-awaited and probable victory considering the state of our country.

From the Women’s March and the #MeToo Movement, to Hollywood’s Time’s Up campaign, women’s empowerment is on the forefront of both society and politics. It’s important to remember that holding an elected position can be one of the strongest ways to create change within our individual communities and to inspire others.

“Don’t just march,” said Amanda Litman, former email marketing director of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, “run for something.”

Amanda is the co-founder of RunForSomething.net, a website dedicated to candidate information and women’s political involvement. It also supports her book, “Run for Something: A Real-Talk Guide to Fixing the System Yourself,” described as an inspiring read that encourages and educates young progressives to run for local office.

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum is quoted in the book speaking on the importance of local government. “The fact that I can cast a vote on Wednesday night and it has an impact on Thursday morning is amazing to me. The decisions we make are not in the abstract. They have very real consequences for people, and those consequences are in your face. Local government puts issues and solutions in your face better than most, because if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, you’re going to hear about it at church or synagogue, on date night, at the grocery store, and at your neighbor’s house.”

Local Government Candidates

Southern Maryland is not immune to the surge of women offering to serve at the local level and beyond. Democratic candidate for St. Mary’s County Commissioner, Rose Frederick, said she had been asked many times in the past to run for public office, but had always said to herself, “not me.” This year, that changed.

“I had been working through some issues with an elderly person concerning housing and finding it difficult to get answers, and in general, looking at how conditions within [St. Mary’s] County seemed to be slipping backwards and not forward,” Rose said. “I decided to stop complaining about how things were progressing and to get in the fight and try to do something about what needs changing. I also made the conscious decision that if for nothing else, to have other young women look at what I was accomplishing and how I was accomplishing it, and hopefully entice them to follow.”

Rose is a St. Mary’s County native who began her profession in the Federal Government as a GS-2 Clerk and ended her 35-year career as a GS-15 Department Head. Rose knows her extensive experience will aid her in the role of County Commissioner if elected, in addition to bringing diversity to the team.

The St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners is currently held by five, white men. Rose, an African American woman, said it’s always good to have diversity in any position. “There have been other females in the position of County Commissioner and it was good for the Board and good for the County. Women bring a different perspective to any board or office.”

The role of commissioner oversees many aspects of Southern Maryland, from county funds to public health and housing, school systems, fire and rescue squads, economic development, and environmental protections.

Rose particularly feels passionate about elder care and eliminating homelessness, education and diversity in teachers, fighting the opioid epidemic, youth jobs and training programs, and supporting public safety, specifically our first responders.

“I am running because I have something to bring to the table. I have the education, background through my career and community services, time, and willingness to serve. I love that so many women have served this wonderful county and I could not be more proud as I look around at what women have accomplished.”

Although it might sound daunting, Rose is up for the challenge and urges others to realize their potential as well. “A lot of women I have talked to say that I am brave and they do not think they could take that step. I say to each of you: you can. If women trust and believe they can make a difference, and not take anything that may come personally, then they can take the step to run for office.”

Friend and fellow local candidate Roberta “Robbie” Loker is running for the House of Delegates, St. Mary’s County, District 29-A, in the General Assembly of Maryland. She is challenging Republican Matt Morgan. Once again, few other women are currently elected officials representing the state of Maryland.

A proud local of Chaptico who sits on numerous boards and organizations around the state and tri-county area, Robbie not only understands the challenges of government, non-profits, and volunteering, but is known for her collaboration skills. “Collaboration, not confrontation, is the key to getting things done,” she says.

Robbie has served the state of Maryland and the Southern Maryland community for 30 years in various professional and charitable roles. She began in the Department of Social Services as a case worker and ended her time there as director.

Following this experience, Robbie worked with a mortgage company and the Chamber of Commerce after retiring from the government. She spent many hours explaining how programs worked and assisting the public and businesses with their options. “I realized that government can’t do it all and shouldn’t do it all. It’s about weaving a safety net in the community.”

While perfectly attuned to the challenges of our state and peninsula, it wasn’t until Robbie attended a recent Legislative Breakfast that she decided to run for office. Unimpressed by the turnout and lack of vision, she thought to herself, “Is this the best St. Mary’s County can do?”

“I decided to do something about it,” she said. “I wanted to show that someone can run for office with civility so other good people will run for office next time, too.”

Many issues are near and dear to her heart, including investing in behavioral health partnerships with schools, prescription drug costs, affordable adult dental care, and enhancing economic development and diversity – helping our beloved Mom-and-Pop shops.

“I’ve spent my whole life preparing for this,” she said. “I’ve seen how things work and we have so much potential down here [in Southern Maryland], but I don’t hear anyone talking about that potential and building on it.”

Robbie believes that if you’re passionate about something, the best way to get involved is to volunteer at the grassroots level and go from there. Local working mother Wrenn Heisler did just that by volunteering as a campaign manager for fellow Maryland House of Delegates general election candidate, Brian Crosby, running for District 29-B.

“It took me a long time to realize how much of a difference I could make in my community just by helping out with a state or local election,” she said. “I realized when I started volunteering on Brian’s campaign that doing this could really make a positive difference for St. Mary’s County as a whole, and that I could do more than just vote to make my community a better place.”

As the campaign manager, Wrenn acts as the overall organizer, overseeing long and short term planning, fundraising, budgets, advertising, volunteers, communications, and events. Though it is a lot of effort on top of her other responsibilities, Wrenn says it’s worth it to work on such an exciting campaign and with the amazing team they put together.

“Just do it [get involved]! There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of! This county, state, and country need more women in politics, whether that is at the campaign-team level, like myself, or running for office. It is extremely rewarding to know that you are working in a tangible way to create positive change. Campaigning is all about multi-tasking, and we all know women are the champions of that skill!”


Holly Budd, Running For Commissioner in Calvert County, District 3

“I am Holly Heintz Budd and I am running for Calvert County Commissioner in the Third District. In Calvert County, there are 5 Commissioners: one in each of the 3 Election Districts and 2 at-large. County residents vote for all 5. The election is November 6, 2018. I am passionate about the future of Calvert County and am very interested in learning what issues are most important to you. I look forward to earning your vote in November.”

If elected, what essential experience and unique traits would you bring to this position?
I am a business owner, the fourth generation owner, President & CEO of Williams & Heintz Map Corporation, the family map printing company started by my great grandfather. I have a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Environmental Studies from Rutgers University and a Master’s in Business Administration from Trinity DC University. I combine sound business principles with environmental stewardship and I am passionate about serving the people of Calvert County.

How important do you think it is to have more women in elected positions?
A variety of viewpoints in any organization is very important. Government is no exception and runs best when there is diversity of culture thinking, and perspective. Elected officials will be better at anticipating and considering the concerns and perspectives of all the citizens if they represent their constituents. As they say, “If two people in business agree on everything, one of them isn’t necessary.” Women in elected positions create a positive foundation for change. It is important that we all work together. I was raised in a bipartisan household so I learned that we could have responsible and respectful discussions without agreeing.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision making process?
I will interact with all the constituents that I serve respectfully. I am available on social media as well as traditional venues. One of the first things that I will do as commissioner is to change the time and structure of commissioner meetings. Meetings can be held in the evenings, when more county residents can attend. Public hearings can involve question and answer and discussion.

Some people in our community say that we have traffic problems. What do you think?
Traffic in Calvert has become a nightmare. We must grow responsibly by ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is in place first. Traffic, schools, and our environment must all be taken into consideration when making decisions about expanding our town centers and increasing density. We need balanced growth to benefit people, small business and the environment.

What’s the biggest challenge facing our schools and how will you work with the school board to address it?
As commissioner, I will work with the school board to make sure that teachers and schools have what they need to offer a good education for every child; where children, teachers and staff are safe from violence. Our children are our future. I support schools that nurture and inspire them. We must provide resources for counseling, training and reaching out to parents and young students to prevent problems before they happen. It will improve school safety as well as discipline problems and the opioid epidemic.

What is your position on environmental standards and should clean water be a focus?
We must preserve our environment for the future. Once the land is gone, it is gone forever. Calvert’s farms, forests and waterways are our most valuable assets. Whether we have lived here for generations or moved to Calvert more recently, we are here in Calvert because we value the rural character.

How would you work to support and encourage small business growth?
Local food, agriculture and business are important to a thriving local economy, and to me. As a small business owner, I recognize that every dollar spent with local businesses in our community, benefits us all. If each person in Calvert spent 10% of their grocery budget on locally produced products, over $30 Million would go to local business in the county.

For more information on Holly Budd visit her campaign website at www.hollybuddforcommissioner.com or follow her on Facebook @Holly Budd For Commissioner.


Julia Nichols, Running For Delegate in Middle St. Mary & South Calvert County, District 29C

“I believe that we get the most done when we work together. Elected officials can work together to achieve good for the people of southern Maryland. By focusing on the issues instead of on partisan politics, I believe I can bridge the increasing gap that we see in government these days.”

My name is Julia Nichols, and I am running for Delegate from District 29C which covers the middle portion of St. Mary’s County and the southern part of Calvert County. I have always worked to improve my community, and I see serving as Delegate as a way to continue to do that work. The people in our community deserve to have leaders who will be strong advocates for our area. As Delegate, my job is to listen to and serve the people in my district, help get the recognition and funding we deserve from Annapolis, and try to make decisions that will do the most good for the most people in our area.

I chose the campaign slogan “Building Bridges” for its variety of meanings. There is the iconic image of our own Governor Thomas Johnson bridge – which is an infrastructure issue that needs to be addressed in our community. There is also the fact that my district bridges two counties; but most importantly, the phrase illustrates one of the main reasons that I ultimately chose to run. I have seen too much division in government – between parties or sometimes even within a party. I believe that we get the most done when we work together. Elected officials can work together to achieve good for the people of southern Maryland. By focusing on the issues instead of on partisan politics, I believe I can bridge the increasing gap that we see in government these days. The issues I have chosen to focus on for this campaign are infrastructure, education and the Chesapeake Bay – all topics of importance which affect those living in my district.

The Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge is one of the most pressing infrastructure issues in our community. I believe that our leaders need to ensure that this project is considered a priority and that plans are outlined to make it possible to replace the bridge as soon as feasible. Both St. Mary’s and Calvert face many other growth and infrastructure issues, as well. We want the counties to continue to grow and prosper while retaining the rural character so many of us love about this area.

I believe that public education is of critical importance for our counties and state. The Kirwin Commission recently determined that education is woefully underfunded in Maryland, and our state no longer retains the high ranking it once had. We are educating our future generations. We need to ensure that we are funding at the appropriate level and working to close the achievement gap. We must also continue to fund high quality professional development for our teachers. I believe that we must continue to protect public education and ensure funding for our public schools. We must continue to offer a variety of options, such as STEM, alternative education programs, and career and technical education, as well as higher education opportunities, so students will have the knowledge and skills they need for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

The Bay
The Chesapeake Bay is an integral part of our life in southern Maryland. The health of the Bay and cleanliness of the water are of importance to our watermen, our local economy – tourism and restaurants, and to the quality of life of our residents. It is important that we work to protect our waterways. As Delegate, I will work to ensure that policies implemented across the state will take into account the necessity for clean water in our region, and I will support environmental standards that will keep our land, air and water clean.

I will be a strong advocate for our community. I look forward to serving my constituents and ask for your vote on November 6th.

For more information on Julia Nichols visit her campaign website at www.julianicholsfordelegate.com or follow her on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @Julia4Delegate.


Roberta Loker, Running For Delegate in St. Mary’s County, District 29A

“My extensive experience in Maryland State government managing assistance programs gives me an insight into the struggles Maryland families and individuals face in trying to become and remain self-supporting members of our community. As a mortgage loan officer for homeowners 62 and older, this experience has allowed me to see firsthand the needs of this population – not just financial, but emotional, medical and social. From years of leadership positions within local non-profits such as the United Way, Health Share of St. Mary’s, Chamber of Commerce, Library Foundation and Medstar Health, I’ve seen the power of the volunteer community in weaving a safety net for those not eligible for government assistance.”

If elected, what essential experience and unique traits would you bring to this position?
I consider myself a consensus builder and collaborator with good humor and tactfulness. I also have a passion for learning and leading.

What is your greatest concern or motivation for running for office?
I am weary of the gridlock in Washington and feel that things move too slowly in Annapolis. I am tired of the name-calling and the maligning of people because of their party affiliation or who they voted for in the last election. Both parties are guilty of this. Where is the willingness to consider respectfully the views of others, with an understanding that we are all connected and rely on one another? I want to be a catalyst of change, to lead by example – to show that a political contest can be conducted with civility and respect. This might inspire other good and decent people to run in future elections. And, once elected I will work to return compromise and courtesy to the art of governing.

What’s the biggest challenge facing our schools and how will you work with the school board to address it?
Schools can’t do it alone. Parents are the primary educators of children and not in the sense of teaching them reading, writing and arithmetic; rather in teaching them how to comport themselves, interact with others and how to appreciate learning. Sadly, many children in our schools do not have this basic foundation. As a result, inappropriate conduct occurs and classes are disrupted. I would encourage the reallocation of funding to encourage school, family and community partnerships crucial to student success and family stability. Investing in families will pay for itself in the long run. I support the efforts of our local school board and county government and would advocate for their unmet education needs at the state level.

How would you encourage employment and economic development?
Strengthening the middle class in Southern Maryland is key to economic growth for this peninsula. Working in public-private partnerships to create opportunity for small businesses to grow and diversify is essential. As a member of the St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce board, we crafted a strategic vision of how the business community could work towards becoming less dependent on our defense installations. A coordinated approach to economic diversity is needed and must be accessible and relatable to businesses. Create incentives and opportunities for businesses to identify local talent to train and hire.

Do you plan to promote any changes to existing taxes? If so, why?
Yes. Let’s make Maryland more “senior friendly” such as extending the current tax exemption of $15,000 on military retirees’ pensions to federal, state and local public service retirees. The growing population of retirees 55 and older is an untapped resource of highly skilled, well educated and successful individuals that we should be encouraging to stay in Maryland. Their contributions to the local economy would more than offset this exemption.

How important do you think it is to have more women in elected positions?
It’s important to have the best person in an elected position regardless of their gender, party or race. Having said that, it is also important to have people in elected positions that reflect their constituents or at least reflect their views. Women tend to be more collaborative and bipartisan and as I have mentioned before, these are traits lacking in many areas of the political arena.

For more information on Roberta Loker visit her campaign website at www.voteloker.com or follow her on Facebook @Loker for House of Delegates – District 29A.


Rose Frederick, Running For Commissioner in St. Mary’s County, District 2

Rose was born and raised in St. Mary’s County. The eldest of 11 siblings born to Raymond and Elizabeth Chase and resided in California, MD. Rose has been married to J. Douglas Frederick for 41-years and has 1 daughter and 1 grand-daughter. Rose is very active in her church and community. She attends St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Morganza, MD where she is a member of the St. Joseph Ladies Sodality.

Rose is retired from the Federal Government after 35-years with a Meritorious Civilian Service Award supporting our military Fleet. She has worked as an Administrative Officer; Flight Operations Scheduler; Aviation Assistant Maintenance Officer; Financial Analyst and N-4 Department Head supervising Procurement, Budget Financial Analyst and the Logistics Departments. Currently, Rose works for a Department of Defense contractor continuing to support the military Fleet.

Rose has a strong belief in service, giving back to community and supporting persons that cannot support themselves. She gives of her time on each of the boards she serves to consistently provide dedicated support and service to those who cannot help themselves.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision making process?
I plan to be a full-time County Commissioner who makes regular visits to communities, involve myself within the communities and have the communities involved in decisions affecting their community.

Some people in our community say that we have traffic problems. What do you think?
I plan to work with my fellow Board of County Commissioners and the Transportation Department to address traffic congestion. I will address additional commuter bus services with inter-connections and additional park and ride areas for ride sharing, particularly for those commuting to and from the southern corridor of the county (California/Lexington Park areas).

What’s the biggest challenge facing our schools and how will you work with the school board to address it?
School safety is our number one issue. Supporting local law enforcement and the School Board is how I can best support the safety issue. Recruitment is the second issue. St. Mary’s County need higher recruitment standards which address diversity to include the hiring of male teachers. I will work as a team to support the School Board, MAESC, EASMC, the Superintendent and I would include our local builders and Housing Authority in discussions to assist with the effort.

How would you encourage employment and economic development?
I will work as a team member of the Board of County Commissioners to seek diverse economic development opportunities to create future jobs and economic growth and seek the growth of small business.

Are county land-use regulations and permitting processes doing enough to assure the public interest?
I plan to take harder looks at all planning issues related to road and service  areas. When buildings and shopping centers are built, I plan to ensure that roads and access areas are in place before allowing the business to open and I will look at how pedestrian, bike and sidewalks are addressed before approval of land-use documents. It is also essential to protect our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay and make sure that runoffs are addressed in the process.

Many residents are struggling to make ends meet, what can be done to create more affordable housing?
I plan to work with my Co-Commissioners, the Housing Authority and builders to see how we can assist those struggling to make ends meet to be able to create more affordable housing. Eliminating substandard housing and homelessness is a must for St. Mary’s County. I will work with public and private homeowner partnerships to build and upgrade homeless shelters to 21st Century standards and work to secure affordable homes. I will push for homebuyer education, counseling, and financial capability workshops.

Who has been your greatest inspiration?
My mom who was a strong hard worker. She instilled in me my sense of wanting to serve and give back. My last surviving aunts, Helen Smith and Edna Bolt. These beautiful women have been there when needed and they are the ones I go to when trying to make those hard decisions. My oldest cousins who were born in 1930, Delores Kelly, an entrepreneur, educated in St. Mary’s County and received her higher education in Baltimore MD from Carver Vocational School. She continues to serve by providing services to the sick. The other, Estelle Clayton educated in St. Mary’s County and received her higher education from Bowie State College. She is a retired teacher and continues to serve in her community and my God-mother, Laura Dickens who continues to inspire all those she touch. I am the person I am because of these strong beautiful women in my life.

In closing, I am humbly asking for your vote on Tuesday, November 6th.

For more information on Rose Frederick visit her campaign website at www.voterosefrederick.com or follow her on Facebook @Friends of Rose Frederick.


Susie Hance-Wells, Running For Commissioner in Calvert County, District 2

Susie Hance-Wells was born and raised in Calvert County. After graduating from the University of Delaware with a degree in Agriculture, Susie began farming in 1977, and took over the family farm, Taney Place, in 1983, becoming the 8th generation to work the farm on the Patuxent River. Over the years on the 320 acre farm, they have diversified by raising tobacco, livestock, grain crops, hay, and bred Friesian horses, while also leasing 400 acres of neighboring land.

Susie has been married to Walter L. Wells for 37 years, whose family has an accumulated over 130 years of dedicated service to the volunteer fire and rescue service. They have three children and eight grandchildren.

What was your greatest concern or motivation for running for office?
I have been asked many times to run for the Board of County Commissioners, but have always declined, feeling I could be more effective lobbying for important issues like farmland preservation, economic development, and burdensome taxes outside the political arena. Yet, during the past two years, there has been a distinctive shift in the county’s direction and set of priorities. This change in policies has begun to overshadow the desire to keep the uniqueness of our area and erode the quality of life that so many of us cherish. To continue to be effective, I need to be in a position to make decisions that reflect and support what the Calvert residents want that direction to be.

If elected what essential experience and unique traits would you bring to this position?
I am an 8th generation, full-time farmer in Calvert County. I have been the owner and operator since returning to the farm after college. I also run an agri-business with all “natural” meat sales directly to the consumer. For over 40 years, I have worked on committees and boards such as the Planning Commission, Board of Appeals, and the Agricultural Preservation Board. I am also past president of the Calvert County Farm Bureau and the Calvert Farmland Trust. Serving as a director on the corporate board of Southern States Coop and Colonial Farm Credit bank board has taught me about budgeting and interpreting financial reporting. I have leadership experience and work well with others to find sustainable solutions to issues. Having extensive knowledge of planning and zoning regulations make me well positioned to be a county commissioner.

How important do you think it is to have more women in elected positions?
Diversity is important to have in representing any jurisdiction. Different perspectives allow for productive discussions which lead to sustainable and more acceptable solutions. My work is in a male dominated field and I feel that I have met that challenge and earned the respect of my colleagues throughout my 41 years of service to the agricultural community and my county as a whole.

What is the biggest challenge facing our schools and how will you work with the school board to address it?
Drugs, school safety and bullying are major issues that need to be addressed in our school system today. We can work with the school board on immediate fixes to safety and drugs with security measures and local police intervention, but until we fix the underlying cause of the behavior, we haven’t fixed the problem. With so many parents having to work outside the home to support their families, the attention to the children’s behavior has fallen on the school system. As they say, “It takes a community to raise a child”; therefore, churches, community groups, the school board, and the government will need to work together with families to solve this nationwide dilemma.

What is your position on environmental standards and should clean water be a focus?
I am in favor of standards that actually produce results for respecting and improving our environment. Offering incentives for environmental protection can be more effective than increased regulations. Becoming partners to achieve benchmark goals can often get over and above compliance results. Protecting our county’s natural resources, and assuring citizens that our air and water quality is acceptable is part of the job of an elected official.

For more information on Susie Hance-Wells visit her campaign website at www.susieforcommissioner.com or follow her on Facebook @Susie 4 Commissioner.


Maureen Woodruff, Running For Delegate in Charles County, District 28

• Charles County Resident 25+ years

• Advocate for Lower Taxes, Jobs, Public Safety & Charles County Public Schools

• Getting it done for everyone!

Maureen grew up in the Midwest and has lived in Charles County Maryland for 25 years. She has been in commercial real estate in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia for 20 years.

As a long time resident of southern Maryland Maureen has been very active in the community. Maureen has been involved with Southern Maryland Area Self Help (SMASH), she has lobbied in Annapolis and on Capitol Hill for the Office of Social Concerns for the Washington Archdiocese, and has attended numerous hearings advocating locally against the Transfer Tax, against the down zoning of the Watershed Conservation District (WCD), and against the expansion of the Mallows Bay National Marine Sanctuary that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was proposing.

Maureen has spent time advocating for additional appropriations for Charles County Public Schools and more appropriations from the annual budget put into public safety. Currently, Maureen is following and participating in the issues surrounding the Conservation Easement that would affect the potential Science and Technology Park near the Maryland Airport and bring more jobs to Charles County.

She is an active member of the Charles County Chamber of Commerce and sits on the Board of Directors. Maureen has chaired the Economic Development Committee and is currently a member of the Membership Committee. She was also voted Outstanding Person for the Chamber of Commerce for 2015.

She resides in La Plata and has a 24 year old son, a graduate of the College of Southern Maryland, currently attending East Carolina University. Maureen holds the honor of being inducted into the National Honor Society, she studied French, Spanish, German and English, was nominated to Girl’s State and is a Daughters of the American Revolution award (DAR) recipient.

What is your platform for taking care of the environment?
When it comes to taking care of the environment there are a lot of safeguards in place and more being added every day. There should be more of an awareness about recycling things and turning them into other uses and being disposed of properly.

What one public health concern would you prioritize?
The opioid crisis is way out of control and needs to be curtailed and although a large majority of the people are middle aged women there needs to be more education and support programs available to single moms and those who aren’t single. Big pharma just wants to sell, sell, sell drugs. Women and others need to put the brakes on and say “NO” to drugs.

Are you in support of Maryland becoming a Sanctuary State?
I do not support Maryland as a Sanctuary State. Laws were made for a reason and over the past 10-20 years too many people haven’t had boundaries and therefore begin to think that crime is a way of life like they do in underdeveloped countries. We are not an underdeveloped country. People have the sense of reasoning right from wrong at age 7.

Are you in support of increased education funding, including school safety funding?
Absolutely, the schools have become a prime target for people who have lost a grip on sanity and are looking for a target to take out their frustrations, their anger, and their depression.

For more information on Maureen Woodruff follow her on Facebook @Maureen J. Woodruff.