Three Ways to Squeeze a Workout into Your Day


Being ‘too busy’ is the number one excuse I hear for not exercising. You may find it hard to believe, but this was also my go-to excuse as well, especially for the last three years. And this, ‘I’m too busy’ excuse sounds so much better and less embarrassing than the truth: ‘I’m just too tired and I don’t have the motivation.’ The reality is that we can all make time to add activity into our life. All we need to do is realize that excuses will only hurt us in the long term. Sometimes it takes a health scare or an embarrassing moment to force us to address the issue. But why wait for that to happen before improving your life?

1. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier.
This may seem like an obvious tip, but it definitely takes motivation not to hit the snooze button and lie back down.
• My next piece of advice may seem crazy, but it works for me. For the first few weeks, wear loose fitting workout clothes to bed or place your workout outfit with your tennis shoes right next to your bed. When the alarm starts buzzing, put on your socks and shoes and get to it.
• Working out at home or close to home is the best way to start out, because it removes any excuses about joining a gym or having to travel anywhere. Sure, jogging along a beach at dawn may sound nice, but in reality, you probably need to get your workout done and dusted as quickly as possible.
• As your body gets used to the time adjustment, add an extra 10 minutes so that you can actually comb your hair and brush your teeth before you go.

2. Pack your workout clothes and take them to work.
If you’re not a morning person, then it’s time for Plan B: the lunchtime power-walk. Schedule it in like you would a dentist or your hair salon appointment. It’s funny that we wouldn’t dream of not getting our hair cut, but taking care of our health often gets overlooked or sidelined. P.S. Asking a co-worker to join you will give you the extra motivation not to skip a session!

3. Split your workout into smaller segments.
If finding a full 30 minutes is too difficult, then try to do three or more mini workouts. It’s fine to accumulate your workout throughout your day.
• This tip works especially well for stay-at-home-moms with young children, because minding a child for 10 minutes while you jump around and squeeze in a workout is a realistic goal.
• If you work in an office and sit down all day, try taking a brief 10 minutes to stretch out or walk around the office. It may improve your energy level and boost your concentration.

Making an activity part of your lifestyle instead of a chore makes results easier to achieve. Once I decided to ditch my excuses and made time in my day to exercise, I was able to quickly progress to a scheduled weight training class and spinning! Being active became something I just did rather than something I had to think about. People even started complementing me on all the extra energy I seemed to have. So, no excuses––everybody can find time to exercise.

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Luanne Barnas is a Personal Wellness Coach with Herbalife International and the owner of LaPlata Nutrition which opened in December 2007. Luanne helps people achieve their health goals, whether weight loss or gain, or just attaining a better level of health. Over the past 7 years, Luanne has personally helped hundreds of clients achieve their nutritional goals and realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Luanne, a certified personal trainer, and avid exerciser, found herself still wanting to lose 10-15 pounds at age 40. At that time she felt like she ate the right foods and she exercised 7 days a week, but was not getting the results she was looking for. Her sister-in-law introduced her to a Cellular Nutrition program and taught Luanne about the power of plant based protein. Luanne began a customized nutrition program, and immediately felt the energy from the “new food” she was introducing to her body. Within a few months Luanne lost 30 pounds, 15 inches and went from a size 10 to a size 6! Within the past year, Luanne has taken her results to a new level. Incorporating Herbalife Sports Nutrition into her daily routine, Luanne has gotten herself in the best shape of her life at age 50. “I am so thrilled with my results, I want to share it with everyone,” says Luanne. Because of her incredible results and passion to help others, Luanne is also taking advantage of the Herbalife business opportunity. She loves being her own boss, and working with people in her LaPlata office, which serves close to 100 clients each day. In 2012, Luanne’s husband Ken became so inspired himself that he officially joined Luanne in the Herbalife business. Together they work as a team, teaching and training their organization to do as they were taught by the leaders in the company. Their son, Daniel, a recent Salisbury University graduate is joining his parents in the business and introducing this healthy lifestyle to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Luanne, Ken and their team of wellness coaches in the tri-county area (and beyond) are passionately helping their respective communities realize the benefits of a healthy, active, lifestyle. For more information visit,, or call 301-643-7682.