Dare to Live the Life You Dream


Dare to Live the Life You Dream

Local mother and CEO, Melissa Dawn Simkins, shares three strategies to achieve the career and life you always wanted

In the past, I settled for safe. Yes, I believed in the power of dreams, but I didn’t know how to live them. I tried it before in relationships, with my career and even in personal goals. When the relationship didn’t work out, I wasn’t promoted or I didn’t achieve my personal milestone, I was deeply disappointed.

To spare my hope, I would skip the risk and stay in my comfort zone until I experienced a defining moment. This was a life altering defining moment. In pivotal times, you will be confronted with a choice to courageously change or remain the same.

I chose to dare to live the life I dreamed but I had no clue how much the dare would cost me. It tested my patience, faith and endurance. If you have ever stepped out of your comfort zone, you know exactly what I’m speaking about.

In that season of my life, I shifted from having a career to discovering my calling. More than a decade ago, I launched my own firm, Velvet Suite, Inc. a brand leadership innovation firm. This would mean that my career would be a major part of my life and my lifestyle. Entrepreneurship was a strategy in my life design but it was not my single aim. I wanted more. My dream life was to become a wife, a mother, an author, a speaker, a woman who could impact lives and unleash leadership in any one.

Over time, these aspirations became my accomplishments. Each with their own unique story and overcoming triumph. In 2016, my husband and I welcomed to the world our son, Kingston. The journey to his arrival was the fight of my life. As a working woman who waited patiently for the miracle of motherhood, I now intimately understand the struggle that many working mothers face.

There seems to be an overwhelming sense

of guilt for many professional women. “Am I doing enough at home or at work?” Constantly being tossed back and forth between two worlds – we can lose our sense of time. Torn between the past and the future we miss the joy of the present.

There is no easy way, I’ve learned that the hard way. Although motherhood comes with its own unique challenges, I’ve found these three simple strategies as the basis to dare to live the life you dream:

Get Clear. Clarity creates alignment. It is so important for each

of us to get clarity before action. Before you take on another project, create more activities to fill your child’s time or feel guilty for having

to cancel on a commitment – step back and see from a different perspective. I often challenge myself and those I work with to get clear by defining your “why.” Understanding your motivations and intention are key to determining the priority of many “things” that fill our time and relationships. Clarity helps me make better decisions. I know how to invest my time verses spend it. This has also helped me to be more comfortable and confident in saying no. Getting clear is the first step toward defining your own unique path toward success.

Get Focused. Like many women I know, we use multi-tasking as

a badge of honor. However, the reality is multi-tasking makes us less productive. For me to be at the top of my game and ready to maximize the moment, I must be focused. Focus can only happen when there is clarity. For example, an outcome of “Get Clear” could be to outline your top three priorities. Once you have identified priorities you can now focus on one at a time to begin to make progress toward the goal. In this season of my life, my focus is faith, family, career and wellness. These priorities help me identify what matters most. I now have a road map for how I will spend my time each day. It’s time to focus on what matters most to you.

Get Help. We all need support. Recognize support makes you stronger. Support can come in the form of emotional, spiritual, financial and delegation support. Help is the key to overcoming the gap from where you are to where you want to be. I’ve also learned the power of delegation. Find individuals who can support you in your goals. Be open to confide in those who can help you tackle your fears and your challenges. Finally, lean on those who are your “cheerleaders.” These individuals can offer a smile, word of encouragement or a high five as you move closer to your dream.

You can shape your life in the direction you desire. For me, my strategy is simple. I pray and ask God for wisdom, I gain clarity of my vision and use my vision to set priority and direction for the life I dream.

It isn’t easy and it will cost you to be bold. I coach men and women around these strategies and more every day. Reset your intention in this new season of your life.

Motherhood has been the greatest gift to help me get clear, get focused and get help. This meant setting boundaries and creating value around what mattered most. It also was a journey of priorities and time management.

Being a mother has taught me how to love and to give in a greater measure. I am living my greatest ambition and creating the life I want to live with each new day.



I’m excited to share more about my journey and my lessons on Friday, July 14, 2017 at The Ritz Carlton in McLean. This one-day empowerment experience will help you launch into your next level with coaching and connections.


Power networking breakfast, Awards luncheon, The She-Suite® executive panel discussions, Awe-inspiring keynotes, Meet Your Match – peer mentoring, 90-Day personal brand action plan, Lifestyle sessions on Wellness, Style, Relationships & More, Exposure & promotion sessions, VIP networking reception, Swag gift bag plus amazing giveaways!
