Traveling in the New Normal

Cabin fever has set in! Time to focus on trips that are within easy reach. Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash

Question: What does a travel advisor do when the world cannot travel? 

Answer: Well, dream about traveling, of course! And, look forward to the world fully re-opening to travel experiences and transformations. But also, come to the realization that what we have become used to – with hotels, airlines, and cruise ships – will not be the same for some time.

So, what do I see travel looking like for the foreseeable future? Let’s jump right in. 

1. Focus on local and regional travel

Cabin fever has set in! Time to focus on trips that are within easy reach. For me, this means day trips in Maryland, weekend getaways to Washington, D.C., or road trips to the Shenandoah Mountains. Now is the time to be able to hop in your car, on short notice, and head off in whatever direction you choose. If you are like me, you want to get out and explore, but may not be ready to board a plane. And that’s OK.

2. Traveling under your own power

Rebel on the Go Travel focuses on creating the life you want. Travel is an amazing catalyst for change. Why? Because it allows you to step out of your day-to-day routine and have experiences at your own pace and using your own body. Why is this important? There is a power to forward motion, especially that which you control. That power gives motivation and incentive to make changes and create transformation. Hiking, biking, walking, kayaking, skiing, and snorkeling are all examples of traveling under your own power.

3. Traveling in social bubbles

Two families traveling together. Four couples traveling together. Ten friends on a weekend getaway. Traveling with others provides the opportunity for interaction, connection, and fun. Now is the time to create your own social bubbles of up to 12 people with whom you want to socialize. Social bubbles are private and allow for safe interaction both at home and while traveling. 

4.Look for strong health and safety standards

Are masks required? Is there physical distancing? Is attendance limited? These are questions to ask and things to think about when booking your travel. If going on a road trip in your own car, bring a portable toilet. Try carrying a bucket with cleaning supplies to wipe down surfaces where you are staying. You can also bring your own pillow. Look for hotels, airlines, trains, buses, and restaurants that have written cleaning protocols. Be sure to make reservations in advance so they know to prepare – and clean – for you.

5. Use travel suppliers who are flexible

With ongoing uncertainty, plans can change. The last thing you want is to be stuck losing money because of inflexible cancellation policies, so be sure to ask questions before booking. Do they allow cancellations? What are the cancellation fees? If no cancellations, will they reschedule at no charge? Right now, there are travel suppliers who are flexible with their policies!

6. Target sustainable destinations

Throughout the pandemic lockdown, we have seen how destinations previously suffering from over tourism have rebound the past few months; pollution is down, animals have returned. It is a beautiful time to visit destinations in their true state. And especially destinations that are committed to keeping tourism at a reasonable level.

For more information on local, regional, or international travel, visit

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Wendy Guth is the founder of Rebel on the Go Travel. Her vision is to create REAL. RADICAL. LIFE CHANGING. TRAVEL EXPERIENCES for her clients. As a Virtuoso Travel Advisor, she focuses on gatherings clients want, whether it be adventure travel, celebrations, and wellness travel. Wendy sifts through all the information and options in order to provide insider details, exclusive amenities (like upgrades and credits), and experiences (like private tours, sold out tickets, or unattainable reservations). As a Transformational Travel Coach, she strives to: 1) get you out of your comfort zone, 2) focus on your passions and interests, 3) connect you in the way you want, 4) allow for self-care AND, 5) travel under your own power. It’s all about PERSONALIZATION. CUSTOMIZATION. TRANSFORMATION.